'The Golden Tenement' Free Talk

‘The Golden Tenement’ Free Talk

the golden tenement

The Golden Tenement Talk

17 November 2012, 2 – 4pm, FREE

Education Room, The People’s Palace

This talk will explore the material and social legacy of mega-events such as the Olympic and Commonwealth Games with a focus on our buildings and our cities and will bring together planners, commentators, academics and community members to discuss specific themes around these subjects.

Chaired by Owen Hatherley, the event will focus on Glasgow, Manchester and London and use three cities at various points on the journey up to and beyond a major sporting events, to explore some of the broader issues around ‘regeneration’, architecture and urbanism.

Panel includes:

Neil Mcguire, Designer, After the News

Neil Gray, Glasgow Games Monitor 2020, The Strickland Distribution

Ben Spencer, Producer, Velocity

Ewan Imrie, Architect, Collective Architecture

To book your place please contact Panel on 0141 559 4980 or at

For more about ‘The Golden Tenement’ see:


