Save the Accord Centre

Latest update about the Accord Centre.

Carers, Service Users and Supporters meeting Alex Salmond at the Accord Centre.

Despite all of the media attention and Alex Salmond’s recent rhetorical intervention, Glasgow City Council are in the process of emptying the Accord Centre behind the backs of Carers and Service Users. Yesterday (Thursday 19th May) the Labour administration in Glasgow City Council removed vital facilities which service users require to meet their needs (sensory room equipment, soft play equipment etc).  To add insult to injury one of the Councillors on the committee that decided to close the centre (Matt Kerr) has been reported as speaking to Carers and Supporters of the Accord Centre in an aggressive tone at recent meetings and demonstrations.

Matt Kerr in a heated discussion with supporters of the Accord Centre at a demonstration outside of the City Chambers.

Comments from Carers and Supporters of the Save the Accord Centre Campaign:

“Stripping the centre of staff last week and equipment this week seems like an overly cruel way of forcing people out of the centre. It really concerns me that these actions appear to be motivated by some kind of political or personal retaliation for the inspiring campaign you have run which has embarrassed the Council and certain Councillors.”

“Sad to believe this is a possible vendetta against carers and Save the Accord, if we dont speak for the people we care for who will? How these people at Glasgow City Council can sit in the chambers with ease is beyond me, aren’t they all supposed to be representatives of the people of Glasgow.”

“I’m just sad and upset at the negative effect this is having on so many families, watching them upset our loved one’s and not being able to explain why this is happening to them and their friends.”

“I’m utterly appalled at hearing that the sensory room equipment and soft play area at the Accord Centre were removed today. This is sheer & brutal social vandalism by the social work department.”

“I feel sorry for the service users from the Accord going into new settings and losing their friends.”

“Some carers attended the Working party, day service reform for LD meeting in Glasgow City Chambers . Cllr Phil Greene and Cllr Margo resigned from the committee. At the end of the meeting Cllr Matt Kerr became aggressive and confrontational towards a young carer regarding the Accord Centre. He screamed: ‘YOUR NOT GETTING A CENTRE.”

“Cllr Matt Kerr was bang out of order today with the way he treated carers and continues to treat carers and for today to stand and shout and point in the face of a carer who knows more about the situation than he did was a disgrace.”