What is the Glasgow Games Monitor 2020?
We are a group of people raising awareness about the impacts of ‘regeneration’ via the Commonwealth Games 2020 (CG 2020), and the Clyde Gateway Intiative (CGI). Our group is influenced and inspired by the people behind the Games Monitor in London, who have successfully debunked many of the myths surrounding the Olympic Games 2012.
Who are the people behind the Games Monitor?
We come from many different backgrounds: locals, activists, campaigners, academics. We are not backed by any political party/organisation, and none of us receive any money for the voluntary work we do with Glasgow Games Monitor 2020. We are always happy to involve more people in the group.
What does the Games Monitor do?
Our blog provides a clear, critical and accessible point of information about developments in the East End. We intend this site to be a hub for information exchange, publication and alliances. We have established contact with other groups in the area who are concerned about the impacts of the Games, and intend to keep doing so.
What’s wrong with hosting the Games? Won’t it bring benefits to the people of the East end in Glasgow?
Despite all the hype, the lessons from many previous ‘mega-events’ like the Commonwealth Games, is that they typically run over budget; that ‘regeneration’ often causes displacement because of rising rents and prices; that there are often harmful environmental costs due to construction and road-building; and overall, that these types of events are typically more about private property development and ‘city-building’ (building an image of the city) than about the needs of local people.
Is this an anti-sport campaign?
Not at all. Some of the people in the group are sports fans, some people in the group aren’t, but we have nothing against the individual athletes, or people trying to get really good at their sport and stay healthy. In fact, we think athletes should join in with condemning what has gone on and will go on in relation to mega-events such as the Commonwealth Game. Its partly because we’re into sport that we’re critical of the way its used to hide and hush-up the negative effects of these sorts of mega-events.
But won’t the Games and the Clyde Gateway development go ahead anyway?
Yes, but we want to make sure that as many local people are involved in the process as possible, and that the real needs of the people of the East End are given voice, and have a chance to influence the outcomes of what is after all, the biggest regeneration programme in Scotland.
How can I get involved?
Check our contact page for our e-mail address. We hold regular meetings, and we intend to hold public meetings, conduct local history walks and make contact with other groups in the area. If you have any ideas you want to involve us in, or any information you want to share, then let us know and we’ll be happy to work alongside you for a better Glasgow East.