Already £81 million over budget with four years to go, contractors have fallen up to three years behind on the construction of venues for CG 2020. Even though no-one likes to be in agreement with a Tory, Glasgow MSP, Bill Aitken, has made a telling…
All of the fuss over former City Council leader, Stephen Purcell’s personal life shouldn’t obscure the fact that he’s been running a local authority which is caught up in a web of ‘”cronyism” and an “elaborate system of political patronage“….
The east end of Glasgow is well known for high levels of unemployment, but what about working poverty? While the Clyde Gateway project and the Commonwealth Games 2020 developments ‘promise’ thousands of jobs for local people, what kinds of jobs…
Science fiction has a habit of getting closer to the truth than a complict media… land grabs…nothing left behind but debt… view film
Democracy now Amy Goodman Detained at Canadian Border, Questioned About Speech…and 2010 Olympics While traveling to Vancouver, Canada to speak at the Vancouver Public Library at a benefit for community radio stations, Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman and her two…
P R E D I C T I N G T H E C O S T S AND B E N E F I T S O F M E G A – S P O R T I…
No-one will be surprised to hear that the Games have now gone £81 million over-budget, taking the total cost to £454 million. With over four years still to go and the recession still biting, who can speculate on the total cost…
Thousands of South Africans are being displaced in preparation for the 2010 World Cup. While Durban completes the finishing touches on its new stadium, thousands of the city’s poor who live in sprawling informal settlements are threatened with eviction. On…
Ardenlea Street As the Centre of Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) have shown, when a big new development is attached to a major sporting event, such as an Olympics or Commonwealth Games, people are often forced to move from their homes…
Duty bound to justify the enormous expense and disruption in the East End for less than two weeks of TV spectacle, the Commonwealth Games promoters are keen to impress the importance of a Games ‘Legacy’. Much has been made of…