Glasgow Against ATOS 2 – Picket Glasgow Sheriff Court, 19 March
Glasgow Defence Campaign Press Release
Day three of the trial against the Glasgow Against ATOS 2 goes ahead Wednesday 19 March. The two were arrested for using a megaphone on a protest against cuts to sickness and disability benefit on 22 February 2013. Framed up charges against the two were dropped on 1 October after a Sheriff court ruled that their arrest and detention had been unlawful (compensation is now being sought). However the charge of using a megaphone was upheld. The trial to date has cost the crown in our estimation in excess of £7,000; the maximum penalty should a guilty verdict be returned is £50. This trial is a political trial; it is part of an overall campaign of state harassment being directed against members and supporters of Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! which is intended to disrupt and criminalise legitimate political work.
One of the arrested has penned this song to tell the story…we hope you enjoy it:
‘We`ve no even started! Fight The Cuts! Defend Free Speech!’:
Court Picket: Wednesday 19 March, 10.15am picket, Glasgow Sheriff Court, 1 Carlton Place
Trial begins 11am in court 19 (open to the public)
Email: [email protected]