Is Archie Graham fit to work for Glasgow CG 2020?

Is Archie Graham fit to work for Glasgow CG 2020?

Today members of Black Triangle and Citizen’s United against Public Sector Cuts held a major street protest outside Councillor Archie Graham’s house to demand that he, as the executive member of Glasgow City Council responsible for the organisation of the…

ATOS Unfit for 2020

ATOS Unfit for 2020

From Local Glasgow News:- January 24, 2013 by Grace Franklin   The protesters outside the building where they occupied Scottish Office premises for an hour. Protesters invaded Scottish Government offices today in Glasgow to highlight their concerns that ATOS is…

George Square Rally - Sat 2nd Feb - 12pm

George Square Rally – Sat 2nd Feb – 12pm

The council are pressing ahead with plans to “redesign” George Square, at a cost of £15m. As ever, the redevelopment has little to do with what’s good for the people of Glasgow, and everything to do with the neo-liberal restructuring…

A series of actions against ATOS

A series of actions against ATOS

There were a number of actions against ATOS and it’s subsidiary ATOS Healthcare in 2012. 2013 looks set to be no different as today campaigners from Black Triangle, Citizens United Against Public Service Cuts and Glasgow Against ATOS joined forces…

'The Golden Tenement' Free Talk

‘The Golden Tenement’ Free Talk

The Golden Tenement Talk 17 November 2012, 2 – 4pm, FREE Education Room, The People’s Palace This talk will explore the material and social legacy of mega-events such as the Olympic and Commonwealth Games with a focus on our buildings…

John Swinney Grilled in Dalmarnock Athletes Village

John Swinney Grilled in Dalmarnock Athletes Village

John Swinney, the SNP Cabinet secretary for Finance, Employment and Sustainable Growth, had a bit of a surprise when he went to visit the flats for the new Athletes Village at the site where the Jaconelli family were evicted by Compulsory…

Evicted Gran's shock at Scottish Sun Scoop!

Evicted Gran’s shock at Scottish Sun Scoop!

Margaret Jaconelli was surprised today (26.07.2012) to find herself on the front page of the Scottish Sun. She was even more surprised to see how what she’d said had been twisted by the Sun to cook up a typically fabricated story…

It’s not all fun and Games for Vulnerable: Aamer Anwar on Save the Accord

It’s not all fun and Games for Vulnerable: Aamer Anwar on Save the Accord

Protest … to save day care centre By AAMER ANWAR Published: 08th July 2012 AFTER last week’s column on the Olympics, I was contacted by families affected by the Commonwealth Games to be hosted in Glasgow in two years’ time….

Salmond in Accord? More Salmond Promises on the Accord Centre

Salmond in Accord? More Salmond Promises on the Accord Centre

In an interview with local activist, Sean Clerkin, for In The City magazine, the First Minister Alex Salmond has once again made verbal assurances that he will create a permanent legacy for Accord Centre users at the Tollcross Aquatic Centre: “I will…

Vile ATOS get Lucrative Games Contracts

Vile ATOS get Lucrative Games Contracts

ATOS is a multinational IT corporation responsible for ‘screening’ disabled people for work. In practice this means a highly lucrative job whereby ‘disability analysts’ are given 45 mins to decide whether someone is ‘fit for work’ or not. With so much…