Whose City? Are the Commonwealth Games Ruining Glasgow?
Re-posted from A Thousand Flowers blog: “OH I DON’T KNOW THESE BUILDINGS, I THINK I’M LOST” reads the stencilled graffiti, eerily poignant given its setting. For the building it adorns – on High Street towards the east of central Glasgow – is among…

Lobby – Drop ATOS as Games 2020 Sponsor
Thursday 31st October Drop ATOS from the Commonwealth Games – Lobby of Glasgow City Council George Square, Glasgow G2 1DU 1pm Lobby of Glasgow City Council, organised by Glasgow Against ATOS. We need you! On the 31st October, Councillors of…

East Carers Open Letter to Gordon Matheson
Dear Mr. Matheson, We are writing this open letter to you because a suitable Day Care replacement Centre has still not been found since the Accord Centre was demolished for a Commonwealth Games bus park. This means there is now…

East Carers Open Letter to Alex Salmond
Dear Mr. Salmond, We are writing this open public letter to you because a solution has still not been found to what you have described, in a letter to City Council leader Gordon Matheson, as our “legitimate concerns” over the…

Alex Salmond at the Accord Centre – A Commitment Unfulfilled?
This post features a video recording and written transcription of Scottish First Minister, Alex Salmond’s visit to the Accord day care centre, Dalmarnock, in May 2011. He was invited to the centre to discuss the future of the centre, and…

Videos From ‘Glasgow’s Dirty Laundry’ Event
Coverage of Glasgow’s Dirty Laundry Event at Glasgow Green on Saturday 3rd August. Footage from A Thousand Flowers and City Strolls Citizen speaks – Bedroom Tax! Summary Warrants! and things you need to know.

Interview with East End Carers/Save the Accord
This is a transcript of an extensive Glasgow Games Monitor 2020 interview with carers from the East End Carers group/Save the Accord campaign. The Accord centre was a day care centre for young adults with severe learning difficulties that has…

Disability Rights Activists Occupy the Chris Hoy Velodrome – Video Footage
Documentation of recent occupation of the Chris Hoy Velodrome by Disability Rights Campaigners protesting the Scottish Government and Glasgow City Council’s decision to allow ATOS to sponsor the 2020 Commonwealth Games. While we think that some protestors in the video…

Chris Hoy Velodrome Occupied
Wednesday 26th June, Glasgow Against Atos occupied the Emirates Arena, Commonwealth Games venue, on London Road. The group were protesting against the French IT firm Atos sponsoring the games. The protestors, who occupied the Chris Hoy velodrome for well over…

Is Archie Graham fit to work for Glasgow CG 2020?
Today members of Black Triangle and Citizen’s United against Public Sector Cuts held a major street protest outside Councillor Archie Graham’s house to demand that he, as the executive member of Glasgow City Council responsible for the organisation of the…