Housing (and the Red Road Flats) [Primer #4]

Housing (and the Red Road Flats) [Primer #4]

Making a Spectacle out of a Crisis: Glasgow’s New Housing Blitzkrieg. The latest from the deranged world of Glasgow City Council and the Commonwealth Games 2020 committee is that five of the remaining high rises at Red Road are going…

George Square Rally - Sat 2nd Feb - 12pm

George Square Rally – Sat 2nd Feb – 12pm

The council are pressing ahead with plans to “redesign” George Square, at a cost of £15m. As ever, the redevelopment has little to do with what’s good for the people of Glasgow, and everything to do with the neo-liberal restructuring…

John Swinney Grilled in Dalmarnock Athletes Village

John Swinney Grilled in Dalmarnock Athletes Village

John Swinney, the SNP Cabinet secretary for Finance, Employment and Sustainable Growth, had a bit of a surprise when he went to visit the flats for the new Athletes Village at the site where the Jaconelli family were evicted by Compulsory…

Salmond in Accord? More Salmond Promises on the Accord Centre

Salmond in Accord? More Salmond Promises on the Accord Centre

In an interview with local activist, Sean Clerkin, for In The City magazine, the First Minister Alex Salmond has once again made verbal assurances that he will create a permanent legacy for Accord Centre users at the Tollcross Aquatic Centre: “I will…

Olympic Satire Rings True – Social Engineering on a Grand Scale

http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/society/olympics-doing-exactly-what-they-were-supposed-to-201204245154/ Olympics doing exactly what they were supposed to 24-04-12   THE 2012 Olympics have been declared a resounding success as the first busload of undesirables was banished from East London.    Organisers said the event was at least four…

Concern for the Most Vulnerable Mr Salmond?

We have reported widely on this blog, on the shameful conduct of the Labour Party at Glasgow City Council in reneging on promises of a replacement day care centre for the learning disabled at the Accord Centre. Unfortunately the Scottish…

Potential New Development at Games Site Is Deeply Depressing

THE ambitious [read, bog-standard] plan to regenerate [read, degenerate] swathes of Glasgow [read, a small part of Glasgow in the East End] through the Commonwealth Games has been given a major vote of confidence [read, a desperate cry of relief]…

London Landlords Evict Tenants to Cash in on ‘Olympic Lets’

LONDON — Landlords in Britain’s capital are evicting tenants so they can cash in on this summer’s Olympic Games by charging tourists many times the usual rent. Homes in the east London boroughs where many events are to be held…

Dodgy Land Deals in Dalmarnock

In yet another example of the disgraceful way Glasgow City Council operates, we see Labour Councillors paying off their chums from regeneration budgets while those they have displaced or evicted are ignored. The Sunday Herald reported yesterday that Ronnie Saez,…

Whose Legacy Discussion Event Online

Documentation of the Whose Legacy Discussion that took place at the CCA as part of the Document 9 Human Rights Film Festival. The first two parts feature Neil Gray and Libby Porter discussing the Legacy of Mega-Events, and large-scale urban…