Disability Activists spread 'ATOS Kills,' message at #CommonwealthGames

Disability Activists spread ‘ATOS Kills,’ message at #CommonwealthGames

Article Re-Posted from the Morning Star by Rory McKinnon. Photographs by Gamesmonitor2020.org HUNDREDS of Commonwealth Games tourists were surprised in Glasgow’s George Square yesterday as disability activists cried shame on sponsor Atos. A clutch of demonstrators backing campaign group Glasgow…

Is Archie Graham fit to work for Glasgow CG 2020?

Is Archie Graham fit to work for Glasgow CG 2020?

Today members of Black Triangle and Citizen’s United against Public Sector Cuts held a major street protest outside Councillor Archie Graham’s house to demand that he, as the executive member of Glasgow City Council responsible for the organisation of the…

Vile ATOS get Lucrative Games Contracts

Vile ATOS get Lucrative Games Contracts

ATOS is a multinational IT corporation responsible for ‘screening’ disabled people for work. In practice this means a highly lucrative job whereby ‘disability analysts’ are given 45 mins to decide whether someone is ‘fit for work’ or not. With so much…

Biased Games Legacy Debate – Scotland Tonight

On Scotland Tonight the other evening Dr.Libby Porter from the Glasgow Games Monitor challenged the boosterist promotional drivel of both the SNP (Shona Robinson) and the Labour Party (Patricia Ferguson). While they both told us how wonderful everything was going…

Glasgow 2020 Legacy ‘May Not Happen’

Gordon Matheson, leader of Glasgow City Council, has claimed the 2020 Commonwealth Games will deliver a “sea-change generational improvement” in health inequalities and access to sport. With just under 1,000 days to go, an urban studies expert has warned there…

View from the Ground at Calton

Interview with Billy Gold, publican of the ‘Heilan Jessie’ (Gallowgate), about the Barras Market area and Calton. What has happened historically in the East End? The east end has been abandoned for years and years, and even from the view…

The employment figures attached to large projects tend to be ‘codswallop’, says George Monbiot.

There is no nonsense so gross that it cannot be justified by the creation of jobs. The Ministry of Defence has just announced that it’s spending £13bn of our money – via a fantastically complicated private finance scheme – on…

JOBS NOT CREDIBLE OLYMPICS! Brown’s Olympic Jobs Promise Inflation

The City Council claim there will be more than 20,000 jobs coming to East Glasgow, can we really belive them?

M74 extension jobs boost ‘not credible’.

Published, April 21st 2002. The “jobs boost” for Scotland which would result from the controversial M74 extension has undergone a 15-fold increase from 2900 to 44,000 in just eight years, the Sunday Herald has learned. According to sustainable transport pressure…