Vancouver Hands ‘Poverty Games’ Torch to Glasgow
Below is the press release we sent out to the media today. Apart from a BBC crew making a long-term documentary about the Games, none of them deigned to turn up – even after we’d done all the research they…
Whose Legacy Discussion Event Online
Documentation of the Whose Legacy Discussion that took place at the CCA as part of the Document 9 Human Rights Film Festival. The first two parts feature Neil Gray and Libby Porter discussing the Legacy of Mega-Events, and large-scale urban…
The ‘Golden Tenement’
The ‘Golden Tenement’ art project will investigate urban regeneration and displacement in Dalmarnock. A collaboration between graphic designer Neil McGuire and jeweller/goldsmith Marianne Anderson, the project will investigate urban regeneration and displacement by exploring how ideas of a city and a…
Margaret Jaconelli Interview at the Accord Centre Demo
[youtube] A short interview with Margaret and Jack Jaconelli at the Accord Centre Demonstration on Saturday the 27th of August in Parkhead. Margaret and Jack show their support for the Accord Campaign and give an update on their…
Urgent Update: Margaret Jaconelli
On Tuesday 15th March Margaret Jaconelli, a home-owner in the way of development for the Commonwealth Games Village, had her second appeal to remain in her home rejected at the Court of Session. After appealing this decision, the Court of Session will…
Margaret Jaconelli: Latest Update
Margaret Jaconelli appealed to the Sheriff Principal the decision to evict her from her home. That appeal was lost last week when the Sheriff Principal upheld the decision to evict. After another appeal was rejected by the Court of Session…
Margaret Jaconelli Facing Eviction?
Margaret Jaconelli now faces eviction by Sherriff officers tomorrow at 12.00 noon as her legal case was yesterday overturned by the court. Margaret has told us that a negotiation space is still available today, but that she is preparing to resist…
Press Release: Commonwealth Games Human Rights Neglect
PRESS RELEASE: On Tuesday the 15th of March, Margaret Jaconelli a home-owner in the way of development for the Commonwealth Games Village will make a second appeal to the court of session to request that she is adequately compensated for the home…
The Jaconelli’s: Fighting On
Well, well, The Sun is now backing Margaret Jaconelli’s fight to get a decent price for her home (under imminent threat of eviction). The Sun is a horrible right-wing rag but at least in this case they are following the story…
Shame Games
On Tuesday 28th September (yesterday), Margaret Jaconelli was given 48 hours to leave her premises before being evicted. Margaret has vowed to fight on for a fair deal rather than accept the risible £30,000 she has been offered for her…