Evicted Gran's shock at Scottish Sun Scoop!

Evicted Gran’s shock at Scottish Sun Scoop!

Margaret Jaconelli was surprised today (26.07.2012) to find herself on the front page of the Scottish Sun. She was even more surprised to see how what she’d said had been twisted by the Sun to cook up a typically fabricated story…

Fun and Games, Part 1: In The City of Willies, The Powerless Always Come Last

Fun and Games: Part 1: In the city of Willies, the powerless always come last Kenneth Roy, Scottish Review Glossy corporate image at the front, bit of work still to do at the back: the Tontine Building being made ready…

Olympic Satire Rings True – Social Engineering on a Grand Scale

http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/society/olympics-doing-exactly-what-they-were-supposed-to-201204245154/ Olympics doing exactly what they were supposed to 24-04-12   THE 2012 Olympics have been declared a resounding success as the first busload of undesirables was banished from East London.    Organisers said the event was at least four…

Vancouver Hands ‘Poverty Games’ Torch to Glasgow

Below is the press release we sent out to the media today. Apart from a BBC crew making a long-term documentary about the Games, none of them deigned to turn up – even after we’d done all the research they…

‘Poverty Games’ Torch March – Flyer

Download a flyer and spread the word…                                     Glasgow Games Monitor is hosting visitors from the Vancouver Poverty Olympics campaign here next week,…

London Landlords Evict Tenants to Cash in on ‘Olympic Lets’

LONDON — Landlords in Britain’s capital are evicting tenants so they can cash in on this summer’s Olympic Games by charging tourists many times the usual rent. Homes in the east London boroughs where many events are to be held…

Whose Legacy Discussion Event Online

Documentation of the Whose Legacy Discussion that took place at the CCA as part of the Document 9 Human Rights Film Festival. The first two parts feature Neil Gray and Libby Porter discussing the Legacy of Mega-Events, and large-scale urban…

The ‘Golden Tenement’

The ‘Golden Tenement’ art project will investigate urban regeneration and displacement in Dalmarnock. A collaboration between graphic designer Neil McGuire and jeweller/goldsmith Marianne Anderson, the project will investigate urban regeneration and displacement by exploring how ideas of a city and a…

Glasgow 2020 Legacy ‘May Not Happen’

Gordon Matheson, leader of Glasgow City Council, has claimed the 2020 Commonwealth Games will deliver a “sea-change generational improvement” in health inequalities and access to sport. With just under 1,000 days to go, an urban studies expert has warned there…

Glasgow Housing Association Expose Tenants and Workers to Asbestos

Tenants, residents and workers gathered outside the offices of Glasgow Housing Association (GHA) today, 01.11.11, to demand a full independent investigation into the extent of asbestos in GHA properties. The GHA were forced to close their offices for the duration of the demonstration….