Dodgy Land Deals in Dalmarnock
In yet another example of the disgraceful way Glasgow City Council operates, we see Labour Councillors paying off their chums from regeneration budgets while those they have displaced or evicted are ignored. The Sunday Herald reported yesterday that Ronnie Saez,…
Glasgow Games Monitor 2020 Event: Whose Legacy? 21.10.11
GLASGOWGAMES MONITOR 2020 EVENT As part of Document 9: International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival Friday 21st October, 2-30-4.30. Clubroom, Upstairs at The Centre for Contemporary Arts (CCA),350 Sauchiehall Street,GlasgowG2 3JD The Commonwealth Games 2020: Whose Legacy? Short introductory talk…
Save the Accord Demo 2: The East End Fights Back!
“The Accord Centre is a day care centre for people with learning disabilities in the East End of Glasgow. It is being demolished to make way for a bus park for the 11-day long Commonwealth Games in 2020. The carers and…
Newsflash: Eviction Today?
On the morning of the Jaconelli family’s eviction, the Daily Express finally do some reporting! Below they point out that the Scottish Government have offered to step in to help resolve the situation, but Glasgow City Council have refused: “Scottish Government…
Bail-Out City
The National Arena – a new £12 million, 12,000-seater venue due to host the gymnastics and netball finals, and the international broadcast centre during CG2020 – has received a £40 million bail-out to avoid “mothballing” and financial collapse by…
CG2020 budget increases again to over half a billion
In November the games organisers told us that the budget was increasing from £373 million to £454 millon. Now the budget has been increased again to an estimated £523.6 million – a 40% increase from the original estimate. The first increase was…
Venues behind schedule and over-budget
Already £81 million over budget with four years to go, contractors have fallen up to three years behind on the construction of venues for CG 2020. Even though no-one likes to be in agreement with a Tory, Glasgow MSP, Bill Aitken, has made a telling…
Stephen Purcell Resignation
All of the fuss over former City Council leader, Stephen Purcell’s personal life shouldn’t obscure the fact that he’s been running a local authority which is caught up in a web of ‘”cronyism” and an “elaborate system of political patronage“….
A living wage?
The east end of Glasgow is well known for high levels of unemployment, but what about working poverty? While the Clyde Gateway project and the Commonwealth Games 2020 developments ‘promise’ thousands of jobs for local people, what kinds of jobs…
Predicting the costs…
P R E D I C T I N G T H E C O S T S AND B E N E F I T S O F M E G A – S P O R T I…