Glasgow Games Monitor 2020 Event: Whose Legacy? 21.10.11

GLASGOWGAMES MONITOR 2020 EVENT As part of Document 9: International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival Friday 21st October, 2-30-4.30. Clubroom, Upstairs at The Centre for Contemporary Arts (CCA),350 Sauchiehall Street,GlasgowG2 3JD The Commonwealth Games 2020: Whose Legacy? Short introductory talk…

Save the Accord Demo 2: The East End Fights Back!

“The Accord Centre is a day care centre for people with learning disabilities in the East End of Glasgow.  It is being demolished to make way for a bus park for the 11-day long Commonwealth Games in 2020. The carers and…

Save The Accord Demo 1: ‘Booted by the Suited’ – No Chance!

Very late post on this Save the Accord demo at parkhead Forge in July. Some pic’s below…

Accord Centre Campaign Update

Carers from the Accord Centre campaign  today met with supporters including Glasgow Games Monitor 2020, UkUncut, Free Hetherington University occupation and other individuals at the Free Hetherington. They talked of how they had been inspired by their links with these supporters…

Citizens Summit in Dalmarnock

A gathering took place on Monday 23rd May in Dalmarnock. Margaret Jaconnelli and other local citizens affected by Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPO’s), and the Save the Accord day centre campaigners along with their supporters met with the new SNP MSP…

A living wage?

The east end of Glasgow is well known for high levels of unemployment, but what about working poverty? While the Clyde Gateway project and the Commonwealth Games 2020 developments ‘promise’ thousands of jobs for local people, what kinds of jobs…

Go to Canada talk about anything apart from the Olympics

Democracy now Amy Goodman Detained at Canadian Border, Questioned About Speech…and 2010 Olympics While traveling to Vancouver, Canada to speak at the Vancouver Public Library at a benefit for community radio stations, Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman and her two…

G20 – A plea for change: Leading adviser’s warning to ministers, the problem’s not bankers – its society.

April 02, 2009.  The economic system is broken, and attempts by governments to fix it by kick-starting growth and consumerism are “delusional” and “pathological”, the Westminster and Holyrood governments will be warned by their own advisers this week.   A…